Hifiman Ananda Planar Magnetic Headphones – Stealth Magnets


Hifiman Ananda Planar Magnetic Headphones – Stealth Magnets


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SKU: BPV5CAJ67PKK Category:


Hifiman Ananda Reference Planar Magnetic Headphones | Available on Headphones.com

“The HiFiMAN Ananda has one of the most ideal frequency response curves for a wide range of music, coupled with excellent detail retrieval, speed, and imaging. Bass extends all the way into the sub-bass without any drop-off. It’s tight, well-controlled, and doesn’t drown out any of the rest of the frequency response. Mids are present, but not elevated, providing exceptional detail retrieval. In particular, 3-5khz isn’t as noticeably dipped as is common with many other headphones, and this means piano tones, acoustic guitars, and female vocals come through with a unique clarity that isn’t overshadowed by other parts of the mix. Treble is also handled exceptionally well without any peaks causing problems throughout the consonant range around 8.5khz. While the frequency response elevates to be moderately counter-clockwise tilted, it’s still focused and non-fatiguing.”

-Resolve Reviews

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